WiFi MQTT Controlled 4x High Power Relay

Overview Overview


Nothing much to say, it’s fairly standard. The relays are switched using BC517 darlington transistors. The unit is powered using a 230V to 12V AC/DC SMPS, the 5V for the ESP8266 board is derived from a standard LM7805.

I used a WEMOS D1 I desoldered from another project, unfortunately a couple of the output pins didn’t work (probably damaged an internal trace while desoldering). So I used some wires to connect the signals to the pins that are working. A problem with those boards, or with ESP8266 boards in general is that some pins are in HIGH state on startup, meaning some of the relays will initially close for a split second. To solve this problem I’m going to build a small on-delay circuit for the relay coil voltage.

Delay Circuit (Update 11.12.2021)

Since the aforementioned problems with default HIGH pins on the ESP8266 I built this siple on-delay circuit, that will keep the relays initially off. I built this as a small stand-up board with a FS04 SCR. The capacitor will trickle charge through the 330kΩ resistor, once the voltage reaches >800mV or so the SCR will trigger, passing the VCC to the relay coils.

Update 24.12.2021: Here is a picture of the delay module:

MQTT Topics

The device listens to the following topics:

  • <device>/relay/set/<no> Set the given relay.
  • <device>/relay/unset/<no> Unset the given relay.
  • <device>/relay/toggle/<no> Toggle the state of the given relay.
  • <device>/system/reset Reset the ESP8266.

The device itself sends a status message after on every command, as well as after each second on the <device>/status topic. Here is an example of a <device>/status payload:



Here is the complete source code, I’m using the ArduinoJson and EspMQTTClient packages.

#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include "EspMQTTClient.h"

static const int RLY[] = {D1, D6, D7, D8};
static bool RLYSTATE[] = {false, false, false, false};

/////////////////////////////// Adjust the following
#define BASETOPIC "relay4-mk1-1234567"

EspMQTTClient client(
/////////////////////////////// End of adjustment code

void emitStatus();

void setup() {
  for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    pinMode(RLY[i], OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(RLY[i], LOW);

void emitStatus() {
  StaticJsonDocument<200> json;
  String out;
  json["chipId"] = ESP.getChipId();
  json["device"] = "relay4-mk1";
  JsonArray array = json.createNestedArray("relays");

  for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {

  serializeJson(json, out);
  client.publish(BASETOPIC "/status", out);

void onConnectionEstablished() {

  client.subscribe(BASETOPIC "/relay/#", [] (const String& topic, const String &payload)  {
    String base = BASETOPIC "/relay/";
    String sub = topic.substring(base.length());
    int id = sub.charAt(sub.length()-1) - '0';
    bool state;

    if((id < 1) || (id > 4)) {

    state = RLYSTATE[id-1];


    switch(sub[0]) {
      case 's':
        state = true;
      case 'u':
        state = false;
      case 't':
        state = !state;

    RLYSTATE[id-1] = state;
    digitalWrite(RLY[id-1], state ? HIGH : LOW);


  client.subscribe(BASETOPIC "/system/reset", [] (const String &payload)  {

void loop() {
  static unsigned long idle = millis();

  if((millis() - idle) > 1000) {
    idle = millis();
